
The Art of Taika Seiyu Oyata

RyuTe is the name for the teachings of the late Taika Seiyu Oyata, and encompasses life protection, self-defense and classical Okinawan kobudo. Taika Oyata named the art RyuTe to honor the Ryukyu islands from where the art was derived.

RyuTe is a unique art in that on the one hand it shares a foundation with traditional Okinawa karate styles, but on the other hand, many RyuTe concepts derive from the Uhugushuku and Wakinaguri family arts which were only taught to Taika.

Within RyuTe, practitioners study Tuite Jutsu (grappling), Atemi Jutsu (warning strikes), Kyusho Jutsu (finishing stikes), Bogu Jutsu (armored full contact sparring), and Kobudo (weapons).

It is the mission of the RyuTe Renmei Karate Kobudo organization to continue the preservation and development of the art of RyuTe. There are many opportunities throughout the year to train with RyuTe practitioners at seminars or at official RyuTe dojos around the country.